Born Denied
"Born Denied"—my new song, out now. Listen here.
Is there a black cloud always hovering over you? Do you constantly get the short end of the stick? Do you feel some people are just naturally lucky, and you were simply born on the wrong side?
This is a song about all that, with hints of melancholy and darkness.
No matter where you’re from or who you are; whether you’re born of royalty, aristocracy, or poor, we were all born naked, and to dust we will return: “Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.”
“Everyone deserves the right to live.” Or so they say.
I won’t be able to list all the human rights violations that happen on a daily basis, but the few of us with a conscience need to do more. To each in their own capacity.
I phrased it as “the few of us” because yes, we are few. Forget about the slogans, the fake empathic faces, and the empty words you hear from politicians and celebrities. These people of influence need to do way more than what they’re currently doing, because they have reach. Their voices can be heard by millions. A couple social media posts and a few fake tears just won’t cut it.
This song is about the ostracized and the neglected; the so-called poor and the ugly that the aforementioned influencers feel disgusted associating with. This song is about all who are Born Denied.
We all deserve the right to live. Just how cruel of a race are we?